Thursday, March 28, 2013

Downtime (Or... Not Really)

There's no Thursday Impressions piece today. I've been busy with my life of being lazy that I just didn't get around to it. Don't worry, though; the next few weeks are set to go with the series, and hopefully I'll get some other reviews in there as well.

I'm currently reading a couple more books—Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee—so perhaps we'll be seeing my evaluations of them sometime in the future. Remember, you can keep up with what I'm reading on my Status page.

I've been tossing around some ideas of what to do for this blog, and I and my friend Adam Bolander are considering creating a gaming-related blog together. Stay tuned for more information, if that's going to happen!

And so ends my hastily-created update post to cover up my inability to get a Thursday Impressions piece out today. Live long, prosper, and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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